Sometimes things go wrong with frying, that’s why we’ve created our very own troubleshooting guide to help solve those issues and get you back on track.
Select the problem you’re having and let our guide help you find the right solution.
My oil is darker than normal

Has the oil been left at 180°C with nothing in it?

Recommended Solution
Turn it off, or down, when not in use to extend the life of your oil. Oil left at a high temperature will degrade rapidly. You’ll save on the fuel bill too.
Have you filtered or skimmed recently?

Recommended Solution
Skim regularly to remove particles – if you don’t they will carbonise, potentially produce carcinogenic acrylamides, taint your oil and shorten its life.
Has the equipment been cleaned recently?

Recommended Solution
Clean and dry the fryer weekly, before you load with new oil – water, detergents and degreasers can degrade oil prematurely.
Check the thermostat – is the oil overheating?

Recommended Solution
Check flame alignment on gas fryers – it may need adjusting and can cause hot spots.
Fry at the correct temperature - too hot and you’ll shorten the life of your oil, too low and oil will be absorbed into the food, producing soggy, unhealthy resul